宣傳發行講座 │Promotion & Distribution Seminar
是次活動特別邀請到1220電影製作有限公司發行經理 #黃樂欣 Lok Wong作為講者嘉賓,希望讓本澳影視業界、拍攝電影作品的學生或對電影發行有興趣的人士,認識宣傳銷售發行的渠道、發展情況,以及影視作品走入市場的途徑。
Apart from filming and making the movie, distribution is also a big issue up for exploration, for the way to get the Macau movies out. The event is held in the hope to allow the local film & television industry and students to get to know the channels for promotion, sales & distribution, the developments and ways to get the film & television work into the market.
報名連結 Sign up:https://forms.gle/bLJ7gXQzwhn9w4y49
【活動資訊 │ Seminar info】
時間:15:30 - 16:30
講者嘉賓:黃樂欣 Lok Wong(#1220電影製作有限公司)
Date: May 22, 2022 (SUN)
Time: 15:30 - 16:30
Guest Speakers: Lok Wong (1220 Film Production Co., Ltd.)
Location: Cinematheque Passion Screening Room
Language: Cantonese, with simple English translation
報名連結 Sign up:https://forms.gle/bLJ7gXQzwhn9w4y49