出發吧!1220電影平台探險之旅 第二集 Let's go! 1220 Film Platform Adventure Tour Episode 2
【🌏出發吧!1220電影平台探險之旅 第二集🌏】
從前有一間電影製作公司,佢地擁有全澳唯一一間神秘的密室……唔係! 今日小編要同大家介紹1220的「當家花旦」——全澳門唯一專業電影調色工作室
首先帶大家認識1220調色工作室的各項設備: 🎞️Barco DP4K-P Projector 🎞️Davinci Resolve 15 with advanced panel 🎞️7.1 Dolby Surround 🎞️Dolby Digital Cinema Processor CP750 🎞️Harkness Xc 170MP Projection Screen for both 2D and 3D Projection 🎞️Dell sever-grade computer for real time 4K workflow 🎞️GDC DCP playback server
令所有在1220進行調色的電影作品,都能達到世界標準的高規格水平,其中一位功臣就是來自比利時的🌟Barco DP4K-P Projector🌟
【Barco DP4K-P Projector有幾勁?】 📽️Barco被譽為地表最高質素projector品牌 📽️DP4K-P 是全球首台4K DLP projector,此型號更是Barco品牌專門為電影後製工作而推出 📽️具有卓越的色彩匹配功能,能精準地投映出等同影院嚴格標準的DCI廣色域 📽️使用專用4K高對比度鏡頭,滿足後期製作工作室高度專業的需求
換言之,使用Barco DP4K-P Projector在1220調色工作室投射出來的畫面,有別於一般電腦顯示的Rec.709色彩標準,而是百分百達到電影院投映的畫面標準,令各位電影製作者能更準確地進行後期調色工作!
———————————— 1220長期接受各類影像剪輯、調音、調色工作委託,澳門本地作品,本地企業及影像工作者仲絕對一定有優惠,歡迎以電郵向小編查詢! 🎞️電郵:info@1220.com.mo
[🌏 Let's go! 1220 Film Platform Adventure Tour Episode 2🌏]
Today, 1220 film production wants to introduce you the trump card of the company - the only professional color grading studio in Macau
Firstly, we want to introduce everyone about the equipment of the 1220 Professional Color Grading Studio: 🎞Barco DP4K-P Projector 🎞Davinci Resolve 15 with advanced panel 🎞7.1 Dolby Surround 🎞Dolby Digital Cinema Processor CP750 🎞Harkness Xc 170MP Projection Screen for both 2D and 3D Projection 🎞Dell sever-grade computer for real time 4K workflow 🎞GDC DCP playback server
All the film productions went through the process of color grading or color correction at 1220 Professional Color Grading Studio must reach a world standard. One of the key factors to high quality film post-production is the software - 🌟Barco DP4K-P Projector🌟 from Belgium.
【What is the Barco DP4K-P Projector? 】 • Barco is considered as the highest quality projector brand in the world • DP4K-P is the world's first 4K DLP projector. This model is also launched by Barco brand specifically designed for film post-production work • Excellent color matching function that can accurately reflect the color range equivalent to the DCI wide color gamut at cinemas • Using a dedicated 4K high-contrast lenses to respond to the highly specialized needs of postproduction houses In other words, the screen projected by the Barco DP4K-P Projector in 1220 Professional Color Grading Studio is different from the color projected byRec.709 color displayfrom general computer monitors. It is 100% up to the cinema standard which enablea more accurate demands for postproduction and color grading work! 👀What other powerful magic weapon we got for the color grading studio? The next episode will take you to see all our great software. See you in the next episode! ———————————— 1220 Film Production Company is more than happy to cooperate with any companies on any film post-productionssuch as video editing, tuning and color grading.Discounts will be given exclusively to local enterprises. Please do not hesitate to e-mail for further inquiries! 🎞Email: info@1220.com.mo
#1220filmproduction #postproduction #colorgrading #soundmixing #editing #filmdistribution #dcpoutput #subtitling #preproduction