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小編正金睛火眼地剪片嘅時候,老細突然召喚我入辦公室,並且凝重地向我宣佈咗一個振奮人心嘅消息…… 本年度嘅1220實習勇者🥊,正式開始招募! This year,1220 Film Production Company, has officially started hiring interns!

要求: 🎬對影像工作有熱情 🎬對後製工作有興趣 🎬做事專注,有責任感 🎬勇於嘗試及接受挑戰 🎬樂於同小編s(或者老細……)交流電影同影像作品心得

Requirements: 🎬Passionate about image works 🎬Interested in post-production works 🎬Concentrate and have a sense of responsibility 🎬Willing to try and accept challenges 🎬 Happy to exchange experiences about post-production works experience

只要你滿足上述條件,歡迎將個人履歷連同任何有助我地更加認識你的資料電郵到 希望能在徵集勇者的名單📜📜上見到你,馬上行動啦! As long as you meet any of the requirements above, please feel free to email your resume along with any information that will help us to know you more to email: I hope to see you on our internship program, and please apply now! ———————————— 另外,1220長期接受各類影像剪輯、調音、調色工作委託,澳門本地作品,本地企業及影像工作者仲絕對一定有優惠,歡迎致電或電郵向小編查詢! 🎞️電郵

1220 Film Production Company is more than happy to cooperate with any companies on any film post-productions such as video editing, tuning and color grading.Discounts will be given exclusively to local enterprises. Please do not hesitate to e-mail for further inquiries! 🎞Email:

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