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MACAO CINEMA LOCATION GUIDE, launched by 1220 Integrated Television and Cinema Service Platform, is now available online! The GUIDE is supported by Cultural Industries Fund of the Macao SAR government and Macao Motion Picture Industry Association. The GUIDE, with its online and physical versions, includes various locations for filming in Macao, each with pictures and maps to facilitate a crew’s scouting for the best shooting sites. With the appendix of Macao’s major film and TV production companies, the GUIDE provides a full range of production services to relieve the worries for all the crews that visit Macao for filming.

很多人形容澳門是一個小歐洲,充滿濃厚的古歐韻味,與中華文化和諧共存,這裡就像一個開放式的大片場,滿足每個的拍攝需求。澳門,可能是世界上最好的拍攝的勝地: 1.琳瑯滿目的歷史建築,保留四百多年的中華與西方文化,穿梭古今,珍貴回憶,歷史面紗,揭秘幕前。 2.新舊衝擊的美感,新城與舊巷互相交替,新思維與舊風華玩弄於影像中,激發無限創意。 3.休閒寫意的郊區,時尚歐陸的浪漫情懷展露無遺,推送戲劇情緒達高潮。 4.四季如春的氣候,任何時候都能夠進行拍攝,天氣因素的影響較少。

Many people describe Macao as a “Little Europe”, full of strong atmosphere of ancient Europe in the harmonious coexistence with Chinese culture. It is like an open big film studio here, which would meet the needs of every filming crew. Macao could be the best place for shooting in the world:

1. A dazzling array of historic buildings, which retain Chinese and Western culture of over 400 years, are suitable for developing plots back and forth between the past and the present, recalling precious memories or unveiling of secrets in history. 2. The shocking beauty of the old meeting the new lies in old lanes interlacing with new towns. When the new idea is tactfully dealt with in a scene with old flavor, it might be the source of inspiration for creativity. 3. The leisure and cozy suburbs embody the romantic feelings of fashionable European, which could help to push the dramatic mood to a climax. 4. The spring-like year-round climate can enable a crew to shoot at any time, with less effect of weather.

在過往亦都有不少經典電影及電視劇都來過澳門取景拍攝,包括《Now you see me 2》、《精武門》、《遊龍戲鳳》、《2046》、《千王之王2000》、《十月初五的月光》、《花樣男子》、《巨輪II》等等,全都是人氣爆棚影視巨著,取景於澳門這個靈感國度,為每格影像塗上一層迷人別緻的文藝風彩。

There have been a number of classic movies and TV shows that were fully or partially filmed in Macao: "Now You See Me 2"," Fist of Fury", "Look for a Star", "2046", "The Tricky Master", "Return of the Cuckoo", "Boys Before Flowers", "Brother's Keeper II" etc., all hugely popular films and television works, set in this land of inspiration, which could add a layer of charming and picturesque artistry to each film.


MACAO CINEMA LOCATION GUIDE is a completely free and open service, aiming at facilitating the location scouting in Macao for film and TV crews and providing resources and assistance for filming in Macao. We hope to attract more crews from home and abroad to shoot in Macao by virtue of its beautiful and agreeable scenic spots.



---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1220影視綜合服務平台長期接受各類影像剪輯、調音、調色工作委託,澳門本地作品,本地企業及影像工作者仲絕對一定有優惠,歡迎以電郵向小編查詢! 電郵 Any enquirers please contact: 1220 Film Production Company is more than happy to cooperate with any companies on any film post-productions such as video editing, tuning and color grading.Discounts will be given exclusively to local enterprises. Please do not hesitate to e-mail for further inquiries! Email:


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