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【1220影視綜合服務平台邀請業界參與釜山國際電影節1220 Integrated Television and Cinema Service Platform invite the local fi

釜山國際影展(簡稱BIFF)是韓國最大型,亦是亞洲重要影展之一,每年有來自亞洲的重要人物參與此項盛事。 現誠邀業界人士帶同項目參與,與不同影像工作者交流經驗,並尋找合作商機。 同時將澳門的項目推廣至參與影展的影像工作者、買家、參展者及影展代表, 藉此增加發行銷售及推廣澳門,以及尋找電影融資的機會。

徵集對象:澳門影像工作者 名額:2個影像項目(每個項目參加名額2個,合共4人)

資格要求(須滿足以下其中一項): - 獨立電影製作人和行業專業人士(製作、財務、市場營銷、銷售、發行等範疇) - 參與過短片和/或故事片項目的電影製作人和行業專業人士

Known as one of the most important film festival in Asia, also the biggest film festival of Korea, there are many filmmakers coming to the Busan International Film Festival (BIFF)every year.We are now inviting professionals and experts from the local industry with their projects to participate in this international film festival, to share experience with overseas professionals and seek out opportunities for collaboration. While at the same time, it is a good opportunity to promote Macao film projects to participants, buyers, and even representative who join this film festival. This may also increase the potential opportunities of sales and distribution, and financial cooperation with others.Don’t miss out this rare opportunity!

Target: Macao Filmmakers Seats: Two local video production projects (Each project allows 2 seats, totaling up to 4 participants)

Eligibility (must have fulfilled one of the requirements below): - Independent filmmakers and industry professionals based in Macao (Production, Finance, Marketing, Sales, or Distribution etc) - Filmmakers and industry professionals who have participated in short film and/or feature film project(s)

提交資料 (需有中英文版本) - 影像項目作品簡介 - 受僱於電影製作公司/機構/組織的人士,請附上受僱信或相關證明(註:不接受名片)或在其他情況下,請附上閣下之電影作品以及參與電影的證明(如:IMDB鏈接,作品製作人員列表的截圖)

Documents needed: - Introduction of their film productions - If you are a member hired by a film company or institution/organization, please enclose a proof of employment letter or reference letter. (*Business card is not accepted.) In other cases, please enclose your film production along with a proof of participation in the film(s) (e.g. IMDB link, captured images of the ending credit)

截止日期: 2019年8月31日

有興趣參與的朋友,請把以上資料(中英文)電郵至 查詢詳情亦可電郵至

Deadline: 2019-08-31

For those who are interested, please email the required documents (both Chinese and English) to: For enquiries, please email:

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