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出發吧!1220電影平台探險之旅 第一集Let's go! 1220 Film Platform Adventure Tour Episode 1

【🌏出發吧!1220電影平台探險之旅 第一集🌏】 話說上星期有客人黎參觀1220公司各項設備後,表示好好奇點解1220會有咁多間神秘小工作室,仲不時有一班班神色凝重㊙️嘅人出沒?於是公司決定派小編我帶大家來一場1220深度遊!📽️一部好電影嘅誕生需要什麼要素呢? 📽️小編覺得除左劇本、演員等等前期工作外,後期流暢的剪接,配合主題和場景的混音配樂,以及營造氣氛的色調光暗都非常重要。所~以~ 🎬作為一個電影專業服務平台,1220電影製作有限公司提供的三大服務範疇就可以完全滿足你的三個願望!🎬 我們提供以下服務包括: 📼專業調色服務 🎞️專業剪接服務 🎙️專業混音服務

其他服務包括: 📽️DCP輸出 📽️字幕製作 📽️發行及宣傳 📽️製片服務


👀至於到底有D咩厲害器材駐守各個神秘工作室?👀 下一集小編率先帶你解構1220專業調色工作室!

———————————— 1220長期接受各類影像剪輯、調音、調色工作委託,澳門本地作品,本地企業及影像工作者仲絕對一定有優惠,歡迎以電郵向小編查詢! 🎞️電郵

[🌏 Let's go! 1220 Film Platform Adventure Tour Episode 1🌏]

📽What essentials elements do you need to produce a good movie? 📽1220 Film Production Company believes that in addition to a good story plot and the preliminary efforts put by actors and actresses, professional editing works in the post-production stage that match with the story theme and soundtrack, and the lighting in order to create a decent atmosphere are also very important.

Therefore: 🎬As a professional film production company, the three service categories provided by 1220 Film Production Company. can completely fulfill your three wishes! 🎬 We Provide the following Professional Services: 📼Professional Color Grading Service 🎞Professional Editing Service 🎙Professional Sound Mixing Service

Other Services: 📽DCP Output 📽Subtitling Service 📽Film Distribution 📽Film Pre-Production

🌟1220 Film Production Company is the only production studio in Macau that provides one-stop service including film coloring, movie sound effects, editing, film format output, movie subtitle production, and other professional post-production services. It is convenient for film makers to complete most of the post-production work at one time, so there are a lot of local and foreign film works are completed at our production company!

The next episode will take you to see all our great software. See you in the next episode!

———————————— 1220 Film Production Company is more than happy to cooperate with any companies on any film post-productions such as video editing, tuning and color grading.Discounts will be given exclusively to local enterprises. Please do not hesitate to e-mail for further inquiries! 🎞Email:

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