出發吧!1220影視綜合平台探險之旅 第五集
【🌏出發吧!1220影視綜合平台探險之旅 第五集🌏】 [🌏 Let's go! 1220 Film Platform Adventure Tour Episode 5🌏]
所有電影製作都必先經過認真嚴謹又密鑼緊鼓的拍攝過程😊,拍咗一大堆影片素材同片段番黎,第一步到底要做D咩呢?當然係按照劇本內容編排,挑選合適嘅片段進行剪接啦!🎞 All the film productions must go through a serious and rigorous filming process. So after we have shot a lot of film material back to the studio, what is the first step handling these raw materials? Of course, according to the content of the script, select the appropriate fragment for editing!
先同大家介紹一下1220剪接工作室的🌟各項專業設備🌟: Let me introduce you the professional equipment of the 1220 editing studio: 🎞Mac Pro 12 cores 🎞Blackmagic UltraStudio 4K 🎞Sony PVM a250 monitor 🎞Genelec stereo Speaker 🎞LG TV 4K OLED55E7P 🎞10GB ethernet network
1220擁有非常大容量的中央資料伺服器,方便使用者可以使用剪輯工作室各項設備,實時剪輯4K素材🎥! 使用者一邊進行素材剪輯,可以即時通過工作室內螢幕觀看片段效果👀,省去每一次剪輯完需要輸出檔案方能監看效果的麻煩,令後製工作更為順暢📶
The 1220 has a very large central data server, so users can use the editing studio equipment to edit 4K footage in real time! Users could do the editing work while at the same time viewing the clips immediately through the screen within the studio. This will save so much time and avoid the inconvenience and trouble of exporting the file to a different format every time users need to review the clips, so that the post-production work is smoother.
———————————— 1220長期接受各類影像剪輯、調音、調色工作委託,澳門本地作品,本地企業及影像工作者仲絕對一定有優惠,歡迎以電郵向小編查詢! 🎞電郵:info@1220.com.mo 1220 Film Production Company is more than happy to cooperate with any companies on any film post-productions such as video editing, tuning and color grading.Discounts will be given exclusively to local enterprises. Please do not hesitate to e-mail for further inquiries! 🎞Email: info@1220.com.mo